Sunday, 30 August 2009

Poets in Performance

It was certainly a fun night on our first attempt at performing to the group. Of course, members have been sharing their writing by reading aloud at meetings since the group began. But to actively think of ourselves as "performers" marks another step in reaching a wider audience. Thanks for the motivational tips, Pam!

We want to involve and encourage women who are unable to make our meetings, as well as welcome a far wider readership to our work. If you know of local accessible venues holding open mics or happy to host an event - whether one-off or regular - please let us know.

Here is just a sample of our work. More videos to follow ...

Raise the roof, first of all, for Renee:

Now, note if Nicki nailed it:

Thanks for watching!

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Saturday, 29 August 2009

Caught On Cam: Sapphist Writers Doing Their Thang!

A big hello to the wild women of the Sapphist Writers Group! I hope all are well and enjoying a wonderful bank holiday weekend. This past Monday we had a cracking meeting. For a change, we actually performed some of our work on camera. Thanks to the gorgeous (and oh, so shy) Pam for providing some skills training to help us be able to focus and not feel so self-conscious about performing. It was an enjoyable mini-workshop.

Many thanks go to the delectable Nicki for operating the camera; she was a pro! We had fun watching the results of our readings before the meeting was over – we have a talented pool of writers and soon, Nicki will post here on our blog the video results of our efforts.

Personally, I hope we do it again in the not too far future because it helped us exercise our ability to deliver what we write, and it was a privilege to hear the words spoken by the women who wrote them. Of course, we had a most excellent surprise when Sarah actually sang (a cappella, baby!!) lyrics she had written. We’re talking brass ovaries!!!

There was thought provoking, deeply emotional work as well as some silly stuff to round out the evening. Thank you kindly to all who participated; it was an inspiring meeting.

I wanted to share a little heads up for you this weekend. Take a peek at the Saturday Review of the Times, you’ll find a bit of a treat. Jeanette Winterson (Oranges are Not The Only Fruit, Sexing the Cherry, etc.-meow!) has interviewed Carol Ann Duffy, Britain’s poet laureate. What a treat for the holiday!!
Have a safe weekend everyone; I hope you enjoy the company of others, have some good food, great sex, and maybe get to sleep late. Bliss.


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